Regulating the Unregulated: The Future of Cryptocurrency Legislation


The current adoption rate of cryptocurrency, which is traditionally regarded as niche notion and has gradually started to be employed by the mainstream, portrays its industry value soundly. Of course, so the situation created, the stage has been really opportune and remodernizing time for the governments, as well as regional and local authorities. From the one hand, authorities lose the only source of proceedings which is the reason for citizens’ mistrust and for those who are delegating, it is usually a hard and awkward situation. In this paper, the writer will present a glimpse into the recent cryptocurrency laws and regulations with an insight into what the future might be holding for the crypto laws’ sphere.

Understanding the Regulatory Dilemma:

The fact of the crypto currencies is that the system runs without banking institutions being mediators at all, thus giving problems in regard to the vertical being too much for the authorities to handle. Being the very condition of it, the blockchain acts as a hindrance to the advances introduced by the typical institutions because it is based on a self-direction principle that is incompliant with many common regulations. At this point, the countries behind the crisis which were being part of the process started to think of the ways to deliver on the double duty of the goals; allowing the innovations to thrive and the investors to be protected, and simultaneously ensuring the environmental stability to carry the finance.

The Global Patchwork of Regulation: Regulatory Regime at the International Level: Countries have various regulations in a custom-made framework that takes into account the procedures of manufacturing, supplying, and trading GMOs.

Notwithstanding this, the position of cryptocurrency regulation is disputed worldwide very generally, with largely confined implementation and vagueness. The scenery is also unique in the countries that are happening to witness the introduction of the cryptocurrencies when there is either underhanded use of the government regulation or a total prohibition. Yet, as numerous years pass, nations like Switzerland and Singapore who bear blockchain legal eagerness are becoming the main actors of blockchain grade launches which shall remain a developing trend in the future. From the first one the girl addresses the fact that she felt disappointment in the reason why her friend put her in the backseat, along with others from the list given earlier. The whole thing fishing turned out to be the hardest, and they even prohibited the bitcoin trade on the platforms and the miner’s did not do any mining job accordingly.

Challenges and Concerns:

The security area accentuate the issues occurring with policies and in regulatory framework with crypto coins used for extortion of the terrorists fund, hiding taxes and money laundering. A substantial volatility of crypto markets, furthermore, encompasses also a problem of investor protection which is seen through the fact of raising numbers of scams and other types of frauds with losses in the thousands due to easy access to funds. Accordingly, a governor who is more demanding and rigid in the rules is needed. Meanwhile, environmentally friendly approach by energy exploiters is old and became autonomous agent by itself.

Recent Regulatory Developments:

Moreover, several regulators from both top to bottom of the world powers have also taken this step of making regulations in order to address the problem of cryptocurrencies. The US authorities, including Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which have to enhance market-rules and be more actively involved in the crypto-space, can and do lead to negative result. Significantly, they have to perform a few functions, and protecting the investors’ interests is their primary task. In parallel to the European Central Bank is elaborating all the intricacies of a legal framework governing the issue of both cryptocurrencies and stable coins.

The Road Ahead:

The cryptocurrency regulations may be based on the future and existing technological advancements, competitiveness improvement in the marketplace, and the enactment of principal regulations. On the one hand, they want to give a system that is supposed to include the toughest possible rules on their side while on another hand side they discuss that within nature there is always a system that compensates imbalances. Participation of the states, members of the industry, and regulators’ cooperation work out as the another important factor of the global scheme of regulation that, as a result, will follow the set and coordination on an international level.


The demise of the conventional money order creates a window for implementing useful rules in the crypto industry that are able to prevent it from a complete collapse. Apparently, success or failure of crypto regulation sits at the heart of the matter. For the time being, this will be a case of the fish in the water. To balance between regulations and innovations is going to be a kind of walking on the top of the roof. These challenges though caused by my relationship with the officials of the system are indeed in favor of that envisaged future where a green and fair crypto investment takes a main role in the financial system.

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